Friday 17 January 2014

Thinking under starlght

A Greek poet once said "How can you be so impermanent and yet make such eternal dreams?". I read this line accidentally the other day... Yet I didn't post it here intending to give an answer to this question. I believe that my knowledge about this world will never be enough to explain such kind of matters. I think the only reason I actually referred to this line is because it reminds me how small we are compared to the universe. 

The whole nature is an organism, a perfect set of a million life circles bound together by the harmony of life. And what about the human beings? Each and everyone of us is nothing more than a grain of sand in comparison with the greatness of this world - not to mention the whole universe...! Our existence? A mystery that no one has ever came close to solve. I often wonder if anyone was ever able to leave his mark into this world... Many people marked the memories of the living of their own kind, but what do you think would happen if I was about to ask a deer " Who Napoleon the great was?" ? My guess is that it would run back to the forest and the safety of the shadows. I know all these things may sound kind of funny and childish. They might as well are. The point is that no matter who you are, no matter what you have achieved, no matter if you are hero or not, only a tiny part this world will know, cause I think that when we are referring to this world we should include everything from the smallest dewdrop hanging at the edge of a leaf to the wild eagle flying in the endless sky.

Sometimes, when I look at the night sky I am trying to count the stars.This make me realise how small we are and how grateful we should be for being here. We have the privilege of living in a wonderful place so lets try to protect it instead of ruining it with our never ending greed. We share our home with hundreds of species. And just like us every single one of them is beautiful in it's own amazing and unique way.

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