Sunday 10 August 2014

May I Share With You, My Little Experience?

It's been a long time since I wrote something here... Not sure if it was due to boredom or just loss of interest... Sometimes I find it so hard to express my thoughts that I end up deciding that any attempt is - and always will be - hopeless... Yet this decision is never final. I always find a way back to writing, trying to put up a fight against that hopeless ambition of mine.

In the past years - as I might have mentioned before - I had my greatest dream crashed despite all of my hard tries and efforts to chase it. I really did try my best. I even got so close. And yet the best of me was not enough to achieve my goal. When I raised my hand to grasp that dream of mine, it simply slipped away from my fingers! After that incident, I was kind of wandering in the world just flowing with life, waiting to see where all of this is going to end up to. Which is the final destination? I kind doubt there was any to begin with anymore. It's like a ship metaphor. I 've lost both my destination and my compass and I feel as if I am wandering in this endless ocean of life, following any route the wind on my sails chooses for me. Forgotten and lost for what seams like forever?

I had no real dreams ever since. I was too scared to dream. Afraid to try. Terrified to fail. It was around then that I got used to losing I guess. Let me state here that I am not complaining about anything. I am just stating some facts about that time 2 years ago. As for the dream I make such a fuss around? You may laugh if I tell you but I will anyway, cause I am not ashamed of my dreams, nor of my failures. My failed dream was (is?) to become a doctor. Does that sound childish? To me, it is the ultimate link between life, human and God. I'd have the chance to offer a new hope, another day, an other smile. Being a doctor means to have life flowing from you. I doubt there is any greatest reward than a simple "Thank you" and a smile after a successful operation. The greaest things, and the most valuable ones are not the expensive ones you see. Which would you value the most? A beautiful diamond or the smile of someone you love? Which would you be most sorry to lose?  To me those treasures of the heart: the memories, the feelings, the moments, are the most valuable things in life and the only memento we take with us after our journey here comes to an end. It's the heart and the spirit that defines someones wealth.

Yet, seeing the whole thing from where I stand now, I can see that I was not right to give up everything for one failure. I am sure now that life has a secret plan for everyone, even if it does not always agree to our own ambitions. Ambitions - that right. You see, one day it just occurred to me that some dreams are not as noble as they look. Some dreams are concealed ambitions. Of course this is not a rule - it's more likely an exception of the rule. Maybe I, myself, was punished cause I was too ambitious - because as a selfish being I am - I wanted to be the best. I always wanted to be the best in everything: In my grades, my job, in arts...  I tried e v e r y t h i n g. But there are so many things and so little time! So many directions I don't know which way to turn! Maybe, becoming a doctor is not my gift. Maybe I 'd become a really bad doctor. So by getting me so close to my dream yet failing anyway, life was trying to tell me that "You see? You are so close! But what you ask for is not for you! I got another plan - something you 'll be really good at."

Currently I am studying Pharmacy. I am about to get to the third year now. I still don't know where I am heading to, or what is to come next for me. Remember the ship without compass? The fact that I don't know my destination does not mean that there is none ahead for me. I 've learnt to trust this wind. He knows where I belong better that I do myself. I even dare to dream again! Both real dreams and concealed ambitions. I just give life a chance to show me what is the thing for me.

Being lost could be either a tragedy or an adventure - maybe even both. The point of view is the secret to make the difference. After all, even in fairy tales there are always adventures and tragedies before the happy ending, right? So why not perceive life as a fairytale? Our very own fairytale, with our very own happy ending. I always believed that the best way to know a place is to get lost in it. So let's get lost in the world together! Who knows? Maybe our paths meet one day. If not, we'll surely meet where all the fairytales and the dreams collide.

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